Design and testing of a steel stud wall system for blast mitigation

Sponsor: Sureboard

Project Information

PI: Gil Hegemier


With the requirements for blast mitigation design becoming more prevalent, the necessity for constructible, cost effective mitigation strategies becomes increasingly important. To feasibly implement the blast mitigation systems for more general use, the designs must be relatively inexpensive as compared to standard construction and consist of specifications that a typical contractor can easily implement. A steel stud wall system that uses a patented composite system of cementboard with sheet steel was developed and, along with specific connection details, shown to be an effective blast mitigation strategy. Multiple, full-scale steel stud walls were tested for blast performance at the University of California, San Diego Blast Simulation Facility where explosive-type loads are generated using ultra-fast hydraulic actuators. The tests were used to optimize the various wall designs for typical low-level US blast requirements.


Stewart, L.K., Freidenberg, A., Hegemier, G. (2014). Design and Testing of Steel Stud Wall System for Blast Mitigation. In G. Schleyer & C.A. Brebbia. Structures Under Shock and Impact XIII. 141, 39 - 53. Paper presented at SUSI 2014, New Forest, England. Wessex, UK: WIT Press. Link to pdf


Structure Magazine Article. Link to article