Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Explosive Loading on Structural Components: Composite Sandwich Connections

Sponsor: ONR

Project Information

PI: Bob Asaro


The extreme loading conditions produced from the detonation of an explosive areseverely detrimental to structures and structural components. These effects are amplified when a blast occurs in an enclosed or confined geometry, where reduced ventilation and oblique angles result in extended pulse durations and added reflections of generated pressures. The objective of this project is to develop experimental methodologiesand numerical assessment tools to document and simulate failure sequences in composite sandwich connections under simulated internal blast loads.

The experimental research was conducted using the UCSD Blast Simulator, a one-of-a-kind system able to simulate explosive events without the use of explosive materials and therefore without the associated fireballs. This is accomplished with an array of high velocity hydraulic actuators driven by a combined high pressure nitrogen/hydraulic energy source. In explosive field testing, video and data from instrumentation is often lost to the destructive nature of the blast environment. The simulator allows for the generation of high fidelity data that documents the response and failureprogression in structural members, which in turn lends researchers the ability to developand test damage mitigation strategies as well as design guidelines for critical infrastructure subject to impulsive loads.


Huson, P., Asaro, R., Stewart, L.K., Hegemier, G. (2011). Non-explosive Methods for Simulating Blast Loads on Structures with Complex Geometries. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 38, 546-557. Link to pdf

Huson, P., Asaro, R., Stewart, L.K., Hegemier, G. (2009). Laboratory Techniques for Blast Loading of Structures with Complex Geometries. In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures. Paper presented at 8th International Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, Adelaide, Australia, Orchard Plaza, Singapore: CI-Premier PTE LTD.

Huson, P. (2012). Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Explosive Loading on Structural Components: Composite Sandwich Connections Link to dissertation